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 baby pinguin ....

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MessageSujet: baby pinguin ....   baby pinguin .... Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Sep 2011 - 13:25

Happily feather after: The hairless baby penguin rejected by its parents who grew a new coat

This dejected little chap didn't have a lot going for him.
Born without feathers and rejected by his parents, his chances of survival looked grim.
But now, thanks to the efforts of keepers at an aquarium in China's Liaoning Province, the five-day-old has been reunited with his family.

baby pinguin .... Article-2040122-0DFF1BCE00000578-565_638x649
'Left on the icy ground to die': Born without feathers and rejected by his parents, this baby penguin faced a bleak future

The little penguin was born last month - and was instantly ill-treated by its parents.
One of the zookeepers said: 'Its parents kicked it out from time to time, or even left it on the icy ground to let it die.'
Workers at the aquarium decided that the baby penguin's lack of hair and weak condition was due to difficulties digesting food and absorbing nutrition.

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Workers at the aquarium decided that the baby penguin's lack of hair and weak condition was due to difficulties digesting food and absorbing nutrition

ut they neglected it and even kicked it out.

'It was then that we decided to feed it by ourselves.'

baby pinguin .... Article-2040122-0DFF1D8200000578-711_636x649
Thanks to the efforts of keepers at an aquarium in China's Liaoning Province, the five-day old has been reunited with his family - and grown a new coat

The aquarium set up a penguin group to care for the youngster around the clock.

After a month of hand-feeding, the little penguin was much stronger.

And, much to the delight of keepers, it even grew hair.

It was then successfully re-introduced to its family group.

Read more ...Pinguin

- A brood apart: Household pet fish favourites turn tropical terrors if released into the wild
- Plotting his next move... Monkey adopts 'Thinker' pose as he schemes to become alpha male
- One Show embroiled in animal cruelty row after trainer 'bullies' Jack Russell

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MessageSujet: Re: baby pinguin ....   baby pinguin .... Icon_minitimeDim 2 Oct 2011 - 16:28

Une belle histoire
Il me fait penser à ET
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